Healthcare Executives & Risk Managers



  • Hospital beds and mattresses are collectively about the fifth largest capital investment a hospital will make.
  • Most hospitals do not follow instructions for use to clean and disinfect beds and mattresses thereby invalidating warranties, putting patients at risk.
  • Integrated mattress covers have a different expected life than a mattress core. Cleaning and disinfection instructions for use are only valid for the expected life of the integrated mattress cover. Major manufacturer’s mattress replacement covers range from $300-$1,500 and need to be replaced every 1-2 years depending on fabric.
  • Failure to follow manufacturer’s instructions for use shortens the integrated mattress cover life, damaging the mattress core, necessitating replacement well before the end of the depreciated life of the asset.
  • Fifty-two percent of Infection Preventionists surveyed have had one or more incident of patient exposure to previous patient’s bodily fluids because of failed mattress surfaces in the last year.
  • Manufacturer’s instructions for use to clean and disinfect a bed requires six steps adding labor and material costs, delaying room turn time.



  • The bed is protected from patient fluids and matter. The Soteria® Bed Barrier is made of a breathable textile that prevents fluids, soils and microbes from passing through in either direction.
  • Disinfection is assured. The Soteria® Bed Barrier is laundered after each patient using high heat and chlorine-based disinfection processes – follows CDC guidelines to address pathogens.
  • The Soteria® Bed Barrier protects hospital mattresses/bed assets – it reduces chemical damage to these surfaces and helps slow the replacement frequency.
  • The bed barrier is cost-saving – designed for 150 uses, at an approximate $5 laundering cost after each patient. This is far less than annual capital bed replacement expense based on revised manufacturer expected useful life.